Illovo Sugar Africa - sha384-Zvsha384-Zvgar Africae m-0" style





3 400




Illovo holds a 99% shareholding in MARAGRA AÇÚCAR SA with less than 1% of the remaining shares owned by a private minority investor. The factory and cane supply area – comprising both company and independent growers - are situated adjacent to the coastline of Mozambique, approximately 80 kilometres north of Maputo. Annually Maragra produces around 80 000 tons of sugar from more than 460 000 tons of cane produced on its own estates, and the balance of around 400 000 tons from independent growers – many of whom are smallholder farmers whose business growth and development is being supported by the company.

There are 4 sugar producers in the country with a combined production capacity of approximately 380 000 tons of sugar per annum, which is marketed and distributed on behalf of producers by an industry-appointed central selling agency. Depending on national annual production levels, around 60% of sugar is sold to local consumer and industrial markets, while the balance is exported to regional and international markets. Maragra, along with Illovo Malawi and Zambia Sugar, also fortifies its direct consumption brown sugar with Vitamin A to help support the elimination of micronutrient deficiency, particularly within children under five years old. Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient which the body needs to function properly – from enabling the function of sight, and growth and development through to skin maintenance, immune functions and reproduction.


  • Situated in the Manhiça district, north of Maputo
  • Employs 3 400 permanent and non-permanent people
  • Produces raw sugar, marketed domestically by industry marketing association
  • Production of brown sugar
  • Generates its own electricity generation from renewable resources and exports surplus power to the national grid when available